AmigaActive (2068/2143)

From:Richard Lane
Date:31 May 2000 at 16:47:02
Subject:Re: New (May) Executive Update.

Hello Michael

On 31-May-00, Michael Carrillo wrote:
> Read it for yourself at.
> Interestingly, does that mean that we cannot use the word Amiga or
> Boing Ball Logos on our web pages?

Like you I'm assuming this is exactly what he means. However, for the moment
I'll continue to use links to with the logo's until this is
clarified. There's a new general mailing list at Amiga, (there's two
actually, one for OS3.5) on which I sent the email below to in the early
hours of this morning. As of 16:30 today there's been no reply. To join this
list send a blank email to with "subscribe
general" in the body.

Firstly thanks for Amiga in setting up this seperate general mailing list,
great idea.

>From the Amiga web site...

"To be blunt and to the point, if you are using the Amiga name, Amiga logos,
or distributing our intellectual property without a license, you must cease
and desist these actions immediately. Amiga Incorporated owns the
aforementioned items and all rights contained therein."

I've just read the latest update news on the site and I'm a bit
confused. While I understand Amiga needs to protect its name and image from
those who seek to abuse it, which of course it has every right to do. As I
read it, web sites such as my own and many other well know and respected
sites can no longer use the Amiga logo which I assume includes the boing ball
one as well?

While I appreciate Amiga has every right to protect its trademarks, logo's,
etc. It seems a little heavy handed to ask all these sites to remove the
thousands of links that are out there to In my own case I have two
links to the O/S3.5 section of and another to the main page. Do I
now have to remove these graphic links?

If this is the case will there be some official place where sites can register
for permission to use a logo and/or link?

Sorry if this seems a bit negative, but its 3:30am here and I've just spent
many hours creating web pages in rediness for my site which will be completly
re-vamped in the next week or two. Seems a pity to penalise those sites that
have worked so hard during the dark days to keep the amiga name alive.

Someone please tell me I got the wrong end of the stick.

Best Regards, Richard Lane -

Author: AmiNET - biz/dopus/Magnum_Opus31a.lha
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